
 Positive attitude to life and active learning


Limited Evidence Emerging  Developing  Accelerating Proficient
I don’t know what I am learning, need to learn or why it’s important.

I need help to complete tasks. 

Learning isn’t fun for me yet.  

Learning is hard for me. 

With help:
I can figure out what I am learning. I know what I need to learn.I can understand  why I am learning this skill or topic.I think I can learn and be successful. I listen to feedback from my teacher and friends but don’t use it to improve my work. 
With some help:
I can figure out what I know, what I need to learn, and why. I can choose a topic, create a project and find information. I enjoy being successful.I am beginning to use feedback to improve my work. Learning is getting easier. 
I can explain what I know, and what I need to learn.

I can explain why we are learning a skill or topic.  

I can choose a topic and make a project to help me learn. 

I often use feedback to improve my work. 

Learning is fun and makes me feel good.

I am a confident learner. 

I know what I need to learn and how to learn it. 

I find it easy to explain to others why we are learning a skill or topic.

I think about how I’m doing and ask for feedback to improve my work. 

I use what I learn to make future work better. 

I enjoy learning and use it to improve my life. 

Evidence/Links to my work Evidence/Links to my work Evidence/Links to my work Evidence/Links to my work Evidence/Links to my work
Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here Evidence here


Reflection & Goal Setting Template

Evidence/Links to my work:


Looking at my evidence against the competency, I am currently working at (choose your level):

Limited Evidence






To get to the next level, I need to work on:


I could do this by: